Those who don't actually study astrology frequently overlook a number of its important facets. The majority of people believe that sun signs make up astrology. To be truly accurate and useful, astrology must take into account a wide range of additional factors.
The PlanetsIn astrology, ten planets are examined. The sun and moon are added to get the number ten. Since our vantage point is the earth, the earth is not included in the calculation. Each planet has an impact on both the house that it is located in and the sun sign that it rules.
Each planet is a representation of the power it has over the house and sun sign it rules. For instance, Saturn stands for human limitations. Jupiter is a symbol for success and leadership. The representations and influences of the other planets are different.
Planetary movements and alignments are also very important in astrology. Various planetary alignments and movements can indicate extreme influences over all aspects of our lives. For example, when Mars is in retrograde, conflicts will be more dominant in our lives.
The HousesThe astrological or Zodiac chart has twelve houses. Each house stands for a different area of our lives, such as love, work, or family. In interpreting astrology, the houses play a significant role. A planet's house reveals the influences that will be held over that area of our lives.
There will be two vacant houses in each astrological chart because there are twelve houses but only ten planets. These abandoned homes stand in for aspects of life that are not significant in this lifetime. It is assumed that either you have achieved success in that area of your life in a previous existence or that there are other areas of your life that require attention more immediately than those represented by the vacant homes.
The SignsThe most popular aspect of astrology is the study of sun signs. The twelve sun signs correspond, roughly speaking, to the twelve months of the year. About twenty-eight days are ruled by each sun sign.
The majority of people are familiar with the twelve signs of the Zodiac. Among others, they are Ares, Capricorn, Sagittarius, Aquarius, Scorpio, Gemini, Libra, and others. Typical horoscopes are most frequently based on the sun signs.
The Moon Signs
Along with the well-known moon phases, the moon also has twelve signs that are used in astrological interpretation. The 12 signs of the sun are used to name the 12 signs of the moon. But these indicators do not frequently coincide.
Rather than rotating yearly, the twelve signs of the moon move through each month. As a result, each sign of the zodiac appears once per month within its own lunar sign. It could last for one to three days. The peak of the person's mental clarity occurs when the sun and moon signs are identical.
Conflict will arise when the person's sun sign and moon sign are in opposition to one another. Regardless of the individual's sun sign, certain moon phases are bad for making decisions. In any case, the energies and feelings of the moon affect how the rest of astrology is interpreted overall.